My Work

  • I’ve been at the University of Northern Iowa from 2011 to present. I’ve held a number of different positions: Communications Specialist, Public Relations Manager, Web Content Manager and Digital Engagement Manager.
  • University of Northern Iowa website. The university went through a re-brand beginning 2019, which included updating the web theme for all pages. I co-managed this project, built pages, wrote web copy, and edited and proofread web pages. Information about the overall re-brand can be found on UNI’s brand website.
  • University of Northern Iowa Alumni Magazine. The 2019 version of the UNI Alumni Magazine was updated to a new theme and format. I managed this project, wrote articles, and edited and proofread all content.
  • Inside UNI. This is a custom website for all news, feature stories and content marketing pieces. UNI’s communications team contributes the content, while I managed the site and came up with the concept.
  • I wrote a number of news releases, feature stories, articles, speeches, marketing materials and social media content from 2011 to 2019. If you’re interested in taking a look at any of these, please let me know, and I would be happy to send examples your way!

NASA’s Johnson Space Center

<- If you look really close, you can see Space Shuttle Atlantis. This was the only launch my husband and I were able to attend, and it was amazing!

I worked at NASA’s Johnson Space Center as a Public Affairs Specialist from 2008-2011. I wrote articles, marketing materials, and planned external and internal events. If you’re interested in taking a look at any of these, please let me know, and I would be happy to send examples your way!